Montag, 9. Mai 2016

Ich und Karten kommen nicht miteinander zurecht

In einer Mail an eine Freundin (falsches Englisch bitte ich zu entschuldigen, außerdem Spoiler für "Cwideas" ab so Kapitel 60 herum):

I realized that I’m no good with maps and distances.
Stuntfola just burst into Frodos study at Bag End and was like ”I have to speak with the prisoner! ASAP, more like: Now!”
Frodo: ”Well, you know it is getting dark outside and it takes about 16 hours to get to Michel Delving with a pony?”
”Yes, but I have to - What? But in the other chapters I got there and back again in, like, just a day and it was still afternoon!”
”Well, that was because the author didn’t have a clue how long it actually would take to get there.”
Author: *facepalms*

Vielen Dank an Avarantis, die mir dieses Plothole gezeigt hat. Es ist immer so schön ironisch, wenn man über sich selbst den Kopf schütteln kann.

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