Samstag, 14. Oktober 2017

Ehrenvolles Sterben - und Überleben

Beim Thema “ehrenvolles Sterben” kommt es immer auf die Perspektive drauf an.

"No one questions Lithariel's authority. She grew up quickly among the Tribesmen and has taken their values as her own. A tough warrior, she is resourceful and honourable to a fault. She has never surrendered in a battle, even when it cost those following her their lives."
- Shadow of Mordor, Teil von Lithariels Charaktereintrag

Ich könnte einen ganzen Beitrag darüber schreiben, weshalb ich bei dem obenstehenden Eintrag schnauben musste und das Gesicht verzogen habe, angefangen bei dem „ehrenhafter Kämpfer“ (sicherlich werden die Uruks da ganz viel Wert drauf legen!) bis zu dem „sie hat sich niemals in einer Schlacht ergeben, selbst, wenn dies ihren Gefolgsleuten den Tod brachte“. (Das hört sich ziemlich arrogant an. Was ist ein Anführer, wenn er niemanden mehr, hat, den er anführen kann? Ich glaube nicht, dass das sonderlich viel Vertrauen weckt.)
Den Beitrag werde ich vielleicht trotzdem irgendwann nochmal schreiben, aber vorerst… hat mich eine alte Geschichte wieder eingeholt, und mit ihr die Idee zu einem OS, der lange, lange, lange Zeit schon in meinem Hinterkopf herumfliegt. Dies hier wird nicht der ganz ausgeschriebene OS werden, sondern nur ein kurzer Dialog, ein Ausschnitt, davon.
Wenn meine Hand aufhört, zu zittern, werde ich beginnen.
Achtung: ist auf Englisch!

“I would have died an honourable death – protecting those that I love and ensuring their survival!“
“Oh?“ He inclined his head. „Then our goals are not as different – I went through great trouble to bring you here, you could even say I saved you from certain death. Everything to ensure – what did you call it? Oh yes – ensuring your survival, ides.“ He chuckled and indicated the dark room with a movement of his hand. “Although I doubt you would call this very… honourable.”
“You caged me!”
He met her furious gaze.
“This is for your protection. The lands roam with dark creatures and even if I am the last to doubt your swordplay, you couldn’t possibly survive out there. Not for long. I am helping you to survive.”
“Survive for what? My people are slaughtered by the armies of your wizard!”
“And what is keeping you alive, then, if you are so hopeless? You haven’t killed yourself yet.”
“You took my sword. You wouldn’t dare to let me die, you are hindering me in seeking death by keeping me locked up in here!”
“There are other ways to kill yourself than with an enemies blade” he said and shrugged. “Are you sure the reason is not rather because some part of you still wants to survive? Or do you shy away because that death wouldn’t be honourable? After all, this household has not many great singing voices.” She did not answer him at first.
“You would twist my death”, she finally said grimly. “You would twist it so that it would suit yourself and your goals.”
“Then you have greatly misunderstood, because nothing is further from my goal than your death, ides. Is it rather not that you would think yourself weak for giving in to the easy way out of this situation? You are a shield-maiden, you are not allowed to show weakness – or so you tell yourself.”

“Why could I possibly want to survive?” He gave her a small smile.
“You are the last heir of house Eorl, of a long line of kings. Houses and towns may be eventually rebuilt, and there may be some people left to live in them. Someone will still remember the old values, and a queen could be useful for leading them.”
It took a moment until she realized. “You are disgusting.”
“That comment is all but new.”

“And what of the others? Your people? What use would you be to them if you were dead? Of course, it could be that you would become a martyr, a symbol who has died fighting and inspire hope in people.”

“Yes, it was a truly selfish reason to bring you here – but isn’t it as selfish to long after a so called honourable death? To long after glory, to have a place in the songs where you protect the king with your life? The king died nonetheless.”

“Do you desire to become king so badly that you let the orcs slaughter everyone? You said it yourself – a king without his people is hardly a king.”
For a moment he seemed to hesitate, to think. “That is true, yes”, he said eventually. “A king is nothing more than a title people give a person. It is an illusion that everyone believes in, and as long as everyone believes in it it has… value. And few know that the king is dead, and even fewer know of the lies that both Théodred and your brother spoke. Words do not get fast around in the Riddermark, people live very isolated lives.”

“That is your last word? You will fight – until the end?”
She nodded, and he shrugged.
“Suit yourself. But I will take your light – some thoughts are better to be thought in darkness and silence.”

Und damit wären die kurzen Gedanken zu Ende. Was für ein Bastard er doch ist.

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